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Showing posts from April 27, 2009

Free Reads Online

Nights and Weekends: Whatever Happened to Fred  Meet the Boyfriend Sleep Santa's Little Helper Party Girl The Shine Journal Little White Lies Joyful Online Annie's Painting Bluebells in the Sky   (the story is halfway down the page)

Reviews of Black Widow

Reviewed by P.L. Crompton, author of The Last Druid In historical novels, attention to detail is important. When the author adds myth—a form of history unproven—reading pleasure increases tenfold. Black Widow meets all expectations. Excellent writing combined with first-class research made reading a joy. The images of daily life are vivid, and glimpses of a past known only from myths are strong. Although Roman and Greek historians wrote extensively about Boudicca, Sheila Deeth takes us behind the scenes. Through Nimuẽ, the warrior queen's sister, a sorceress, we see the devastation the conquering Roman army wrought—not just to the Celtic way of life but to their beliefs and to their gods. That is the background, but this is Nimuẽ's story. Ignored by most historians and overshadowed by her illustrious sister, she comes alive. Nimuẽ has a lover with greater powers than her own, and she begins to look upon him as a god. But gods betray. When he pays attention to new crucified god,

Reviews of Sheila Deeth's Books

If you've written a review of one of my books and would like me to include it here, please let me know. I love hearing from readers. Reviews of Flower Child: Ruth Cox writes "The reader is drawn by the double-edged sword of emotion as Flower Child author Sheila Deeth embraces the depths of motherhood, the hauntings — of love and of loss — of child" and quotes Philip K. Dick " Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away ," concluding "Author Sheila Deeth succeeds in tugging our heartstrings in the bittersweet beauty of the story of her Flower Child ." Read the whole review at Kimberly Brock calls Flower Child "Deceptively simple and poignantly effervescent," a novel which " speculates over the limits of memory, the fine line between faith and fantasy, and that place where intellect fails us, revealed only in dreams.&quo